Greece Fact Check

/ Feb 07, 2025

Michelle Obama’s ex-boyfriend did not reveal that she was actually a man

CLAIM: Michelle Obama’s ex-boyfriend, David Upchurch, revealed that Michelle Obama is actually a man named Michael Robinson.

CONCLUSION: Michelle Obama’s ex-boyfriend never said that she was born a man. This is a well-known conspiracy theory that has been repeatedly debunked.

The claim appeared in various social media posts and websites. This is a claim that began circulating in January 2024 and continues to be reproduced.

Example of a recent post:

The Facts

The claim first appeared in early January 2024. It was peddled by unreliable websites such as, which exclusively publishes fake news.

The claims are accompanied by a photo showing a young Michelle Robinson posing next to a man. When she married former U.S. President Barack Obama, she adopted his surname. The man standing next to her is named David Upchurch, who escorted the then 18-year-old Michelle Robinson to her prom at Whitney M. Young High School in Chicago in 1982.

David Upchurch spoke about their relationship in 2009. He never claimed that Michelle Obama was a man.

Many photos of Michelle Obama from her childhood and teenage years are available online.

The conspiracy theory that Michelle Obama was born a man is an unfounded and proven false rumor that has circulated on fringe websites and social media for years. Proponents of this theory claim that Michelle Obama was born a man and later transitioned.

This particular conspiracy theory gained traction largely due to claims promoted by conspiracy theorists like Alex Jones through his show Infowars, playing a central role. Jones referred to Michelle Obama as “Big Mike,” citing her physical appearance, such as her height and body shape.


Michelle Obama’s ex-boyfriend, David Upchurch, never said that she was born a man. This is a well-known conspiracy theory that has been repeatedly debunked.

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